What feels impossible for your organization in 2017: Reaching your fundraising goals? Filling all the seats at your events? Having your board do things that will help you raise more money?
Watch this video clip from Cameron Herold, world renowned speaker who asks the kind of questions I ask my clients. Then tell me what the real barriers are to your organization’s success.
Herold believes, as I do that, “Culture trumps strategy, every time.”
How would you define the culture at your nonprofit?
You create your own culture with your answers to these questions:
- What are you doing (or not doing) that stack barrier after barrier in your own path to reaching your program and fundraising goals?
- Does your organization have a clear vision for growth this year? Next year? Three years out?
- Do you recruit board members with these two questions in mind:
- What are the three top things this board must accomplish this year?
- Do we have the right people on the board to accomplish those things?
- Have you outlined your strengths as staff leaders? As an organization?
- Have you identified your most significant support? It may not be people who give the most.
Daily I hear from nonprofit fundraising professionals who are looking for advice about how to raise more money.
Most of them tell me they do NOT have an annual fundraising plan.
Without a plan there is no vision for growth.
Without a plan there is no way for others, especially the board, to understand what they can do to help. Many people who reach out to me are resigned to barely or to not reach their fundraising goals this year.
That makes me sad. And a little irritated. Because the best way to get somewhere is to have a PLAN.
That’s not just my hunch. It’s research based knowledge.

Please take action to quit complaining and get into action. I understand your struggles and fear.
AND I am committed to make sure you know exactly what to do to raise the money you need.
But you have to decide: How much longer are you willing to struggle? How much longer will you wait to do the right thing: make a plan to succeed.
It’s time for my annual winter Fundraising Boot Camp class to learn HOW to create a plan.
I will help up to 8 organizations craft a plan to get you exactly where you want to go.
Fundraising Boot Camp is designed to challenge you, teach you, get you focused on your strengths. You will dig into your donor data and your financials to learn what the best next steps are to grow your fundraising dollars.
Click here to download more details. Do. Not. Wait. Since there are limited seats, registration closes December 16th.
As Cameron Herold says: Conceive, Believe & Achieve. Together we’ll will make sure you do just that.