Do you allow yourself to imagine what’s possible in your fundraising?
As children we are encouraged to dream, imagine and talk about things that aren’t yet real.
As adults in the social sector we often spend more time talking about what can’t be done or what didn’t happen than what it will take to make something NEW happen.
One tactic I use in my coaching is to ask:
What if _________ was possible? What would it take to make it happen?
It’s up to you to fill in the blank, but be specific. Some thoughts to get you started:
- Double our annual fundraising revenue
- Add 10% to our donor retention
- Add 3 new, fully-engaged board members
- Secure our first $100k gift from an individual
Whether you are mid-way through your fiscal year or beginning a new year, now is a good time to ask “what’s possible?”
Especially in fundraising, I find that people who think and talk about what’s possible always exceed their goals. Yes, I said always.
The key is to spend time talking about and thinking about what it takes to make YOUR what’s possible a reality.
Making something new a reality may mean making changes that are uncomfortable: Remove inactive board or staff; make more phone calls to talk with more supporters with a plan to listen; create a solid plan for sustainability by reviewing costs and ROI.
A couple of stories to read for inspiration:
What’s Blocking Your Leadership Path Today?
Setting Bold Goals Can Be Transformative
And from my “latest” favorite post from Seth Godin:
The Choice
Attitude is the most important choice any of us will make. We made it yesterday and we get another choice to make it today. And then again tomorrow.
The choice to participate.
To be optimistic.
To intentionally bring out the best in other people.
We make the choice to inquire, to be curious, to challenge the status quo. more here