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Can You Teach People How to Fundraise?

By July 27, 2010October 7th, 2014Fundraising

personalbrandingmagazine27jul10The topic of this month’s Personal Branding magazine is philanthropy. I was honored to be invited to submit an article and have found myself in an issue alongside a number of my sheros and heros of the nonprofit community: Beth Kanter, Rosetta Thurman, Marc A. Pitman, Roger Carr, Paul Young of Charity: Water and more.

My article “Can You Teach People How to Fundraise” is a true story from a training session I led with the board and staff of a local nonprofit a few years ago. The dread that was pervasive at the beginning of the session changed to excitement and a desire to take immediate action by the end of the session.

Since that session thousands of dollars have now been raised from individual donors by the board members; dollars that may have gone to other organizations if they hadn’t invited participation.

Here are the guidelines I shared in my article about teaching people to fundraise: (excerpt from Personal Branding, August 2010 issue)

  • Acknowledge current donors via phone with a warm, personal thank you.
  • Deepen supporters’ relationship by learning why they give.
  • Each time you share what is going well, share an example of how more money will impact one person.
  • Don’t take “no” personally. It’s not about you.
  • Break down the support needed into bite-size amounts. For example, support a child per day, per week or month.
  • Share short stories of real people impacted by your work. You allow others to feel great when you invite them to help save or change a life.

To read my full article and great information from others check out the August issue of Personal Branding.

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