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We are CERTAIN We Can Ask For Money

By August 7, 2013October 2nd, 2014Fundraising

I absolutely love my work.

On a daily basis I get to spend time shifting people’s thinking about their limits. Usually that has something to do with raising more money to support great missions.


And I get to hear the “good news” about what is going on across the country.

Recently, an alumni group called me with a “report” on their successful hard hat tour. Shannon and Jody are alum of my Action Planning Sessions and my Fundraising Boot Camp, which is an intensive multi-week class to help launch a specific fundraising project. You can download a PDF about Fundraising Boot Camp here.

The organization is raising nearly $100,000 in unrestricted operating dollars for their annual fund and at the same time, with a tiny but mighty staff and a skeptical board, are raising $1.2 million for a capital campaign.

Shannon and Jody are just like many of you.

They work hard. They believe in their organization and their clients.

They have no time for “extra” projects like creating a hard hat tour scenario to get people excited to support their capital campaign.

And their organization does not have more than a handful of people who have ever given their organization gifts of $1000 or more.

Shannon and Jody took the coaching. They got their board and staff together for a four-hour planning session to flesh out the actions it will take to meet their goals. They’re creating new systems and paying close attention to being very clear in their communication.

The board is more engaged. Money has started to come in. And Shannon and Jody are feeling some rewards from the hard work their coach (me!) has asked them to focus on.

Take a listen to their enthusiasm and relief as they share with me that they are now CERTAIN they can ask people for money.

I bet they’ll bring a smile to your face. They did mine.

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