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Six Ways Fundraisers are Brave

By June 27, 2012March 30th, 2014Fundraising

I just saw the fun Pixar animated movie “Brave” with my 8-year-old niece Grace and 11-year-old nephew Stuart. It was really a wonderful,  impactful movie. We laughed and shed a few tears and Grace ended up on my lap during the scary parts. It’s well worth the time, even if you don’t have kids to escort you to the theater. 

Watch the Brave trailer

But it got me thinking. . . how are we, in the fundraising world, brave, every day?

Here’s my short list:

  1. Create and lead a team of people who usually don’t want to help with fundraising.
  2. Try out new ideas and strategies to increase our fundraising. . . with fingers and toes crossed.
  3. Often have to ask for and receive help that results in unintended consequences.
  4. Keep going every day, even when we don’t know how the money will come in.
  5. Call on donors we don’t know.
  6. Ask for larger gifts than we’ve ever asked for before.

Please add to this list and share with me: How are YOU brave?

Let Merida’s final words in the movie guide your week:
“Our fate lives within us. We only have to be brave enough to see it. . .”

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