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Raising Money Without Killing a Kitten

By October 23, 2013April 27th, 2022Fundraising

I love to walk outdoors. It calms me and I usually clock some good miles toward my exercise goals.

When I walk I often listen to podcasts. My friend Darla suggested I listen to recent episode of the Freakonomics podcast with a funky title about cats and fundraising.


Turns out the show was an interview with economist John List where he shares a bunch of terrific ideas on how to successfully raise money and what strategies are most effective.

I especially LOVE the conversation that digs into the idea from List’s research that people are more driven by self-interest — how it makes them feel. 

The “traditional” feeling is that donors give because of altruism; helping others. While that may be true for our parents and grandparents who felt deeply compelled to help others. Today, it’s much more about the feeling the donor gets when they click donate or sponsor a walker or buy a ticket to your event.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a listen to the podcast below or read through the full transcript. It’s a great show!

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