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Online Giving Days Raise Millions

By October 16, 2013April 25th, 2014Fundraising

This week I’m pleased to present a joint post written by me and Lori Finch from Kimbia, the Omni-Channel Fundraising™ solutions.

If you live in Minnesota you already know that giving day successes are receiving a lot of attention. And now they are moving across the country.

Minnesota has Give to the Max Day, there’s Pittsburgh Gives, and many other regional events such as North Texas Giving Day, which raised $25.2 million in just 17 hours!

What you may not realize is that some nonprofit organizations have received multimillion-dollar offline donations as a result of these online campaigns.

In addition to the immediate monetary benefit of giving days, nonprofits are leveraging social media on these days to promote their missions and strengthen their brands.


On May 6, 2014, thousands of nonprofits in hundreds of communities across the country will benefit from a national day of giving with Give Local America.

This is a nationwide giving event expected to be the largest single online giving day ever. Check to see if your community foundation has signed up — the deadline is Oct. 31, 2013.

Give Local America will build upon the success of individual giving days by inviting nonprofit organizations nationwide to participate through their local community foundations.

The community foundations will serve as the hubs for these giving events. This exciting event will bring national attention, national media, and a national matching pool to your community, and all dollars raised in your community stay there!

In addition to the national and local matching funds, other significant short and long-term benefits of Give Local America include:

  • Positioning your community foundation as the leader in impact philanthropy in your community
  • Connecting thousands of donors to the brand of your community foundation
  • Inspiring everyone in your community to become a philanthropist
  • Gaining new donors (usually 20% of donations come from new donors), who can be cultivated for future communications and fundraising
  • Getting a great marketing opportunity for nonprofit fundraising during a down time of the year
  • Building and increasing the spirit of philanthropy within your community

Get started today! The deadline to participate in the May 2014 event is October 31, 2013.

Reach out to your community foundation to be sure it’s planning to participate so your organization and your community can be a part of this historic initiative. To learn more, contact Lori Finch.

About Kimbia: The Internet has revolutionized the economics of fundraising for all demographic groups. Kimbia’s flexible, best-of-breed Omni-Channel Fundraising™ solutions enable you to create a deeper donor relationship by leveraging the strengths of each channel and putting your donors at the center of all development activities. Follow them on Twitter @KimbiaInc and you can find them on Facebook.

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