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Nine Steps for Successful Fundraising Campaigns

By March 3, 2010September 25th, 2014Communication, Fundraising, Marketing

NineStepsCoverStoreThe years I’ve spent fundraising myself, and coaching and training organizations to fundraise, have taught me what works and what doesn’t. Of course, there are far more than nine steps for how to keep supporters happy and giving at their full capacity, but the nine steps that follow have been derived from my own personal checklist when deciding to work with an organization.

Download the FREE e-Book with case stories and tactics that outline each step.

Use these steps as a topic of conversation with your staff and your board. These are important topics —add them as part of meeting agendas, and devote time to discussion and implementation. Go forth and multiply your fundraising dollars!

  1. Are led and supported by key volunteer and/or staff leadership.
    (Board Chair, CEO, Executive Director, Pastor, Rabbi)
  2. Are supported and managed by at least one staff.
    (Development Director, Dev. Associate)
  3. Have ALL board members participate in some capacity.
  4. Have a well defined goal, with a specific timeline, creating a sense of urgency.
  5. Create an emotional connection – making it personal for people to participate.
  6. Keep donors and interested parties informed and engaged.
  7. Keep the money conversation visible in print, on website and via multiple forms of communication to allow transparency and encourage  widespread participation.
  8. Invite participants to do very specific things with a deadline for doing them.
  9. Utilize a web-based donor data management system to allow others to assist with tracking donor contacts and gifts.

One Comment

  • Kathy Heil says:


    Great job on the E-book. Loved it and think every non-profit can benefit by reading it. Also, I loved the video Andy Goodmen delivered on storytelling! I never watch 45 minutes of any video and watch the entire video.

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