This year’s Giving USA 2013: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2012 was just released yesterday. If you’re like me with a passion for the positive, there’s a lot of good news to read about!
Any kind of charitable giving increase is something to be happy about, right?
In 2012 the total estimated US charitable giving increased by 3.5% to $316.23 billion. This number grew over 2011 because giving by individuals, foundations, and corporations all increased. In fact, corporate giving increased by an estimated 12.2%.
There were some decreases, you can read about them and get more analysis about the study at Nonprofit Quarterly.

Get the study here
My focus is on what is working, so I was very happy to see this:
Individuals accounted for 72% of the total amount of giving dollars because they increased their gifts by $8.67 billion over 2011!
So what’s behind the leap in individual generosity? According to the study, ” The willingness of individuals and households to give to charity is associated with feelings of financial security. As the economy continues its slow upward climb, contributions from individuals are rising in the same way.”
Take care of your donors this year so we see an even bigger increase when the 2013 study come out next year.