Using Clear, Bold Language That Inspires Action
Today I’m delivering a training called Fundraising: Imagine What’s Possible at the Global Ties>U.S. National Conference in Washington, D.C.
Global Ties is formerly NCIV: The National Council for International Visitors.
The conference theme:
Integrate, Innovate, Impact, calls on participants to help build deep, lasting ties between people and nations and to play a part in creating a more peaceful and prosperous world.
Just reading those words inspires me to do the best I can to be a part of their vision of creating a more peaceful and prosperous world. And who doesn’t want to play a part in creating a more peaceful and prosperous world?
Today I’m talking with participants about communication, raising more money from individuals and most importantly, being clear and bold in language choices.
I believe that support of all kinds (time, talent, stuff and money) will indeed move toward your organization when you are clear and bold.

Image Source: Free Arts Minnesota
Clear = Free from doubt, easy to see or hear, distinct.
Bold = Courageous, confident, immodest, standing out conspicuous
Here’s an example of what I mean:
Ho hum language:
We really need your help! Please help us reach our goal of ______ so we can grant more scholarships.
You = Hope
Ellie, age 19, received a $500 scholarship to cover book costs that completely changed her life. YOU made that happen. With 748 more Ellie’s who’ve applied for a scholarship, what are you waiting for? Make a life-changing gift TODAY!
I’m certain there is some version of clear, bold language waiting to be shared at your organization. When you choose language that’s clear AND bold you’ll inspire action that will exceed your goals. I promise.