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One of the best enewsletters I’ve seen in awhile

By April 22, 2010September 25th, 2014Best of Withisms, Communication

Last week I received the enewsletter shown below. Honestly, I’ve not yet given to this organization but I found this message compelling and it got me to take action, more than once. I visited their website, read articles, learned some new things, and felt connected. Do your email newsletters do that?

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Five tips for creating a great enewsletter:
1. Personalize. If can say “Hello Lori” every time I return to their site, the technology is there to personalize messages to supporters or those you hope become your supporters.
2. Emotional connection. There was a touching story about real people and it taught me some things about what the Minnesota Medical Foundation does.
3. Helpful information. There were no strings attached to the three different bits of helpful information like Organizing for Tax-Time Success Year-Round. The information was found by clicking on the link to “read more” which brought me directly to their website. Newsletters can and should drive traffic to your constantly updated website.
4. Easy to give. The Donate Now button was easy to find with a compelling tag line: “You can make a difference today.”
5. Easy to contact. There was a whole section of more helpful links and information should I choose to become a donor: Gift Calculator, Meet Our Donors, Legal Essentials, and Contact Us.

The overall look of this message was: colorful, inviting, easy to read, and compelled me to click/take action, plus I was appreciative that I learned new information. The message seemed to say: “You are important to us.” How does your communication measure up?


This post was included in Withism’s from Lori: Boldness, Clarity & Wisdom for Fundraising Professionals Making a Difference (Volume 1), now available in paperback, on Kindle, and Nook.



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