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Increase Board Engagement with a Fun 4-Step Scavenger Hunt

By May 28, 2014February 18th, 2020Engaging Your Board

increase board engagement with a scavenger huntOften, I encounter staff of nonprofit organizations saying, “our board isn’t very engaged.”

Here’s a quick, easy, and fun way to create an atmosphere of board engagement at your fundraising events, performances, and any gathering where board members and supporters of your organization are present.

Board Scavenger Hunt

Prior to the event, performance, or meeting give your board members these four, simple steps.

1. Provide each board member with the names of up to three supporters: donors, volunteers, anyone who has done something in support of your work.

2. Let them know what that person has done to support your work and invite them to “find” that person at some point during the event.

3. Once they find their designated supporter, this is the time your board members can give a personal thank you to the person.

4. Invite your board members to learn something new about each person they “find” during their scavenger hunt AND relay some of what they learned back to you to enter into your database for future reference.

The impact is two-fold:

• Board members feel useful, with a true purpose at your events.

• Supporters feel “seen” and acknowledged…something you can never do enough of.

My suggestion is to make this powerful, fun exercise standard operating procedure for ALL events to create a more engaged community.

I’ve heard some amazing stories about how well this works. Let me know how it goes for you!

Want some of my favorite worksheets and templates to help you create an amazing board experience AND cause board engagement all year-long? Download my FREE ebook Mission Possible: Your Workbook for a Successful Board.

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