I love to write. I’m one of those crazy people who truly enjoys sitting down at my computer and letting my thoughts flow.

My passion is to help people like you find all the fundraising resources you need for your important work. Fortunately, I get to put my passion for writing and helping others here into the Fire Starters blog. (Did you know you can get Fire Starters delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning? You can! Subscribe now & get a free download of Mission Possible: Your Workbook for a Successful Board!).
Here are a few of my favorite, recent and most-read posts:
An Open Letter to Nonprofit Boards from Your Staff Leadership: We know you want to make a difference. But we don’t want to hurt your feelings, ask too much of you, assume you know anything about being a board member, or assume you DON’T know anything about being a board member. Read more >>
The Storytelling Question I’m Asked Most Often: Weekly, maybe even daily people ask me “how do I a share a concise, moving story?” I’m passionate about sharing stories about the impact of your work. They help to cause listeners and readers to do MORE when you tell a well-crafted story. But, I’m pretty adamant that the story shared should be two minutes or less. Read more >>
Two Parts of Communication: Talking and LISTENING: When I deliver workshops and have people do a role playing exercise to practice making an “ask” for money I’m struck by how much “one-sided” conversation goes on. It’s sad, really. Often the “asker” is so worried about saying everything there is to say to the “donor” that the person being asked is left to nod and can’t get a word in edgewise. Read more >>
Shift Your Fundraising from Scarcity to Possibility: Change Your Words For a Better Outcome: The truth is most often I find my work focused on helping people change their language from scarcity to possibility. I find it’s too big a leap to go from scarcity language to abundance language right away. So I focus on possibility language first. Read more >>
Using Powerful Stories to Stand Out From the Crowd: Since the beginning of time we’ve used storytelling to convey our experiences. The buzz, now, in the 21st century is for nonprofit organizations to share impact stories often and through every mode of communication possible. Read more >>
Receiving your feedback on what makes a difference for you is something that lights ME up. So comment or give me a shout out to let me know what resonates with you.
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