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Get People to Open & Read Your Emails: A Quick Checklist

By August 22, 2012October 7th, 2015Communication

I receive a ton of email messages every day. Who doesn’t?

It’s often that before I even open any of the messages I go on a “hunt” for the ones I can delete without opening. Last week, in the deluge of email that flooded my inbox, I received a message from an organization I’ve supported with my time and some small contributions over the years.

The subject caught my eye: See how your gift to PCNF made a difference this year

Click to see the original

I was skeptical and curious how they were going to show me that in an email so I went ahead and opened the message.

Here is what I love about this message AND the totally awesome annual report it linked to:

  1. Compelling subject line. It got me to WANT to open the message.
  2. Short, easy-to-read email message.
  3. Image included. Allowed me to “meet” Elizabeth; someone being helped by this organization and ultimately my gift.
  4. Story included. I learned about Elizabeth in her own words.
  5. Unique messenger. This email came from the board chair…someone I’ve met, yet don’t get to talk to often. It felt like I was an “insider” by receiving the message from David.
  6. There was no ask for more.
  7. A simple, powerful thank you was the point of the message. How often does that happen in ANY email message?
  8. Bonus extra:

  9. The annual report it linked to was terrific. Colorful, clear impact, lots of information but presented in an easy to read way.

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