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Compelling Communication

By July 26, 2009July 10th, 2017Communication

Fundraising success comes from effective communication. I’ve watched as one organization after another, struggles with engaging their supporters by using communication that misses the mark.

Last week I met with Ann, from a local mid-size organization serving youth. We talked about their eNewsletter and whether or not it was effective. She said, “Our click-through rates are low and I know we are missing something.” So we took a look at some of the past articles.

What we found is all of the articles were either thanking others for support or inviting readers to an event. Nowhere was there a message about why the dollars raised at the event were important, or why the youth needed that specific event.

In the articles that were inviting readers to attend something it was not clear what would happen for the youth if people DID attend. Example: When you join us at this event we will raise $15,000 — Enough to allow 300 low-income, troubled youth ages 6 – 16 to feel safe and have the fun a child deserves to have.

Here’s one article headline example:
Rockland Bank Sponsors Youth Day

The article went on to tell readers about all the fun that was had at a recent youth event. The event was in the past so I couldn’t attend but the newsletter used a good amount of space to acknowledge the sponsor. And I wasn’t clear WHY the youth needed this event in their lives.

Here’s what I suggest your headlines and articles do:

1. Have a subject line or headline that causes me to want more information. The subject line for the eNewsletter is as important at the titles of each article.
2. Tell readers something about the outcome of what you do.
3. Briefly explain why your organization needed the money and let people know if you need more for future programs, youth days or whatever was sponsored.
4. In the copy of the article give acknowledgement to the sponsor by bolding their name a couple of times. Frankly, the sponsor doesn’t often care if they are listed in the headline. They want to know their work mattered and made a difference.

Here is a re-write of the headline with short article that conveys some “meat” about why this event was held:

$10,000 Allows Youth Experience of a Lifetime.

For six hours, 75 troubled youth, ages 6 to 16, got to forget their worries and play like children are made to at the Rockland Bank Youth Day on June 16. Surrounded by caring adults, youth like Dashawn (include photo) were able to laugh, run, cook and eat two healthy meals and create memories that will last a lifetime. For a few hours these youth were free from peer pressure and the struggles of living in low-income neighborhoods.

In addition to $10,000, Rockland Bank provided 80 volunteers who participated in the amazing Youth Day experience.  Each volunteer was paired one-on-one with a youth to teach them a new skill or simply mentor them for a few hours.

This year we have the resources to hold 3 of 6 planned Youth Days. More than 500 youth who would normally participate in these fun, safe day-long events will not be able to due to funding challenges this year. There is still time to schedule the remaining 3 Youth Days if your company is interested. Please contact for more information.

Our sincere thanks to Rockland Bank!   

Remember to cause readers to learn something in your communication.

Focus on the outcome of what your organization does rather than the logistics of how great the event was or will be and you will likely create better understanding about what is needed and MORE participation.

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