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What is the First Thing You Do When You Sit Down at the Computer?

By January 18, 2012October 20th, 2014Communication, Donor Engagement, Fundraising

Wisdom and advice from Seth Godin

Over the years I’ve worked with literally thousands of organizations and their staff. One of the most often heard comments from development staff is usually, “I don’t have time to get to the relationship building part of this work.”

I believe it is actually a choice that the important, deeper connecting calls and meetings are not being scheduled into the day. As their coach I ask development staff to commit to make one donor phone call or set one donor meeting each day BEFORE they get pulled into that deep dark black hole of admin tasks never to return from until the end of the day.

Last week Seth Godin wrote this short, simple, powerful post on his blog that I believe can be a powerful guide for all development professionals.

The first thing you do when you sit down at the computer


Let me guess: check the incoming. Check email or traffic stats or messages from your boss. Check the tweets you follow or the FB status of friends.

You’ve just surrendered not only a block of time but your freshest, best chance to start something new.

If you’re a tech company or a marketer, your goal is to be the first thing people do when they start their day. If you’re an artist, a leader or someone seeking to make a difference, the first thing you do should be to lay tracks to accomplish your goals, not to hear how others have reacted/responded/insisted to what happened yesterday. ~ Seth Godin, January 12, 2012.

Other posts in my blog with great Seth Godin wisdom:

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