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Keep it SIMPLE and Raise More Money

Share Clear and Bold Stories to Raise More MoneyEach new year nonprofit staff and board members ask me how to raise more money, how to do better in their fundraising this year?

I say keep it simple:

Share Stories

Inspire Action

Money Follows

People Feel Great

Listen to Why

Encourage Another Gift

Let’s break it down

When you Share Stories about the importance of your work through the eyes of one person, you make your story more relatable. People WANT to care. Use your words and stories to paint the picture of why they should.

If you want your community to DO SOMETHING. You have to Inspire Action by being clear and bold about exactly what you want them to do. Subtlety doesn’t work in fundraising.

Money Follows when your message is clear about what it takes (financially) to serve the inspiring person you talked about in your story.

Over and over again I’ve watched organizations be crystal clear about what it takes to deliver their life-changing programs. Their results are real. You WILL inspire major gifts when the community inspired by your work understands what it takes to do your work.
 People Feel Great when you help them fulfill THEIR aspirations.
People Feel Great when you help them fulfill THEIR aspirations. Giving time and money to your organization makes people feel great when you treat them as the important, insider, family members, they are.

This means noticing which links they click on in your email and which emails they open. It means noticing what events they attend. It means paying attention to them.

And by paying attention I mean Listen to Why they care about your work. Giving habits change so take time learn WHY they gave in the first place.

Donor retention is THE best fundraising plan you can adopt. While you Encourage Another Gift it’s important to let your donors know what was accomplished with their previous contribution.

Taking for granted that a donor will continue to give without paying attention to them is an easily correctable mistake. It’s simple: Focus as much on building relationships as you do on growing your list. I guarantee you’ll see an increase in your annual donor retention.


Following these SIMPLE actions IS the basis of an effective annual fundraising plan.

Skip the flashy new-fangled ideas that stress your team.

Keep it SIMPLE.

Seven weeks of live coaching with Lori WILL ensure you are clear and bold in your storytelling. Learn more here.

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