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In Storytelling: Less is More

By July 10, 2019December 16th, 2019Storytelling

First impressions take just seconds. Research tells us it’s somewhere between 7 and 30 seconds.

The same is true in fundraising. Less words. More feeling. That’s why I like to use the tool of six word stories. These short, powerful stories cause readers and listeners to want to know more.

In the Complete Storytelling System video & worksheet module 7 focuses on how to make a powerful impact in just 6 words.
six word story
Think it can’t be done? Check these out:

• Together we build Julia’s home.

• Josh finally ate his first orange.

• Terri’s heart stopped but we didn’t.

• Joelle’s dancing brought out her voice.

• Lori tells stories that raise millions.


As Garth, a current participant in the summer Ignite Your Fundraising Results course said recently: “the tighter the story the more it comes to life.”

Use six word stories during your next fundraising solicitation; in the subject line of an email or enews; in social media posts; as the first line of your written appeal; as an exercise to train staff or volunteers.

six word story formula

Here’s my easy to follow six word story formula:

1. Use a first name.

2. Create an emotional connection to a real person.

3. Share one compelling fact.

Share YOUR six word story in the comments below. And then invite your community to share one with you about their experience of your mission.



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