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Permission Granted: Talk About Money & Raise More

By December 11, 2019April 27th, 2022Storytelling

You’ll take a deep dive into the topic of talking about money with the resource from today’s post. Recently, I was a guest on the For Your Institution podcast with Mongoose Cadence(The folks who make it simple to add texting to your donor engagement.)

Host Mike Kochczynski and I had a fun conversation about the power of stories in fundraising. I made a point of sharing with listeners you have permission to talk about money & raise more.

talk about money to help you do more good

Three best practices I shared in the podcast that WILL help your storytelling raise more money:

1.) Ask staff, volunteers, board members: who can’t you get off your mind? Give them permission just to talk, not to tell a story.
When you ask people to tell you a story they freeze up, but if you just let them talk they’ll go on and on, and from that you can find nuggets you craft into stories.

2.) Spend time away from your desk with the people whose life is different because of the money you raise.

3.) Ask how do we do more good?
Tell the truth about what it’s going to take — people wise, dollar wise, timeline wise. NOT how do we get more money?

Take a listen to the episode below or on Spotify.

Building your storytelling muscle to craft donor engaging, money raising stories – takes repetition and support.
There are 2 spots left to get both — starting on January 22. The Ignite Your Fundraising Results course is only offered once a year. Don’t miss your opportunity.


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