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Ignite Your Fundraising

By August 11, 2010October 8th, 2014Member Message, Withisms

Today a fun, new monthly feature launches on my blog! Once a month you’ll get a chance to meet a member of my fast-growing online fundraising community. Each month a development professional will share their fundraising tips with you via video.

Today’s video message is from the very first member of my online fundraising community: Barb Haley from Red Wing, MN. Thanks, Barb for being the first! It was an exciting day when you joined last year.

I met Barb Haley in the fall of 2008 at one of my Sustainable Fundraising Strategies workshops. She drove in early from Red Wing to attend the three-hour 9 a.m. session. What I didn’t know was that she was just starting SteppsUp, her own consulting business, to help social profit organizations in the southern Minnesota community of Red Wing.

What I learned quickly was that Barb and I share a passion for providing social profit organizations with quality tools to be the best they can be. Check out Barb’s fundraising tips:

Barb and SteppsUp administer the Compassion Capital Fund from the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches (GMCC). They award grants to grass-roots groups working to help low-income families in their neighborhoods. Barb and her team help make sure capacity is being built using the grants the local organizations are awarded.

It’s been an honor to have Barb as a member of my online fundraising community. I’ve now had the pleasure of working alongside Barb and her thirteen amazing organizations in Red Wing who are a part of the Compassion Capital Fund.


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